
Shopping for Playground Equipment

Answers To 3 Common Questions About Tabletop Water Fountains

If you have admired tabletop water fountains but have avoided buying one because you had some questions about them, this is your opportunity to become more informed. Whether you are concerned about the amount of noise that your fountain will produce or how long the small fountain is expected to last, becoming informed about your purchase can allow you to choose the right unit. In addition, by having reasonable expectations of your new tabletop water fountain, you may also find that you enjoy it more, since you will have fewer regrets later on. Read More 

Getting Involved In Your Child’s Play: Toy Kitchens

It's very important for parents to occasionally get involved in their children's play, if only just to experience the worlds that their children are creating. As long as you go along with whatever your children are coming up with, you can show your children that you care and are interested in what they are doing. One main source of playacting for children is pretending that they are in the kitchen. Kitchens, especially for young children, are areas where many things are off limits because hot stoves are dangerous. Read More 

Veterans Benefits to Help Start a Small Business

Honoring veterans is a way that the government and many companies choose to give back to those who serve. From veterans' discounts to small business loans, there are many options to choose from that can help you launch your small business. If you have served in the military and want to start a company in the private sector, here are some benefits you can take advantage of. Discounts on Electronics Read More 

Want To Quit Smoking? Try E-Cigarettes

The term vaping and e-cigarettes might be new to some, but this alternative to smoking is taking the country by storm. An e-cigarette, or electronic cigarette, is comprised of a rechargeable battery attached to a small tank that houses flavored liquid. This liquid contains nicotine, and when heated up, it can give the same effects of smoking a real cigarette without all of the harmful side effects. If you're currently a cigarette smoker and want to quit, consider vaping to help you kick the habit. Read More 

Til Death Do You Part – How To Give Your Wedding Rings A Long And Happy Life

As a symbol of love and marriage, a wedding ring is one of the most valued possessions after a wedding. To help it shine forever, it's important to take good care of it. How can you best care for your wedding and engagement rings? Remove Them Most of the time, the best place to protect your rings is on your finger in plain view. However, this may not be the case in special circumstances. Read More 

About Me

Shopping for Playground Equipment

I’m Jason Baldwin, and my kids have the coolest playground ever! Our backyard playground took nearly eight months to complete. This is because my wife and I put a great deal of time and research into the equipment we purchased. We have three children that range from three to nine years of age. We wanted a playground that had things for each age child, in addition to equipment that will still be fun as they get older. Of course, the primary concern was safety. After safety, we had to consider what materials we wanted. We researched not only what looked nice, but would also hold up to weather conditions year after year. I am going to share what we learned and what we ended up purchasing. I hope this will help you make decisions for your playground.